Homeowners Insurance and Coverage
Your roof should be covered under your homeowner's policy. Your homeowner's policy covers both the belongings inside your home and the structure itself. This is the policy that would also cover you if there is a fire or theft at your house.
Not sure if you have homeowners insurance? If you are paying a mortgage, then you have a policy because most lenders will require you to have a homeowners policy.
If you have any questions about what may or may not be covered under your homeowner's policy, visit your agency’s website to learn about posting a claim.
Your roof should be covered under your homeowner's policy. Your homeowner's policy covers both the belongings inside your home and the structure itself. This is the policy that would also cover you if there is a fire or theft at your house.
Not sure if you have homeowners insurance? If you are paying a mortgage, then you have a policy because most lenders will require you to have a homeowners policy.
If you have any questions about what may or may not be covered under your homeowner's policy, visit your agency’s website to learn about posting a claim.

What Part Does Getting an Estimate Have in the Insurance Claims Process for Replacing a Roof?
Sometimes an insurance company will ask the homeowner to get three estimates. This is completely unnecessary and is usually just a stall tactic by the insurance company. The reason you do not need estimates is that the cost is determined by the insurance company using a pricing software that is shared with contractors so everyone is on the same page.
There is no reason to try and find someone who will bid to do the work below that pricing. Doing so only saves the insurance company money and means you get lower quality materials and workmanship. You do not get to keep the difference either. Some people believe that if they are approved for $10,000 but find a contractor to do it for $8,000, they get to keep the $2,000 difference. This is completely false. The company will instead keep that difference for themselves. You should demand the right process and be making them pay the full amount due so you can hire a fully qualified contractor you trust.
The insurance claims process for replacing a roof can be daunting. The best thing to do is to have a qualified roofer like Sunland Development Corporation help you through the process. We are the experts in this and can make the process very simple for you.
The Insurance Claims Process for Replacing a Roof
When your home is affected by storm damage, your roof is likely the most expensive item that will need replacement. The insurance claims process for replacing a roof can be a little confusing.
Do you call your agent or do you call a contractor? How long can you expect the process to take? How do you know if the insurance covers everything? Do you understand how to read the paperwork they send you? These are all valid questions you will want to get answers to as you begin to deal with the issue.
What is the Insurance Claims Process for Replacing a Roof?
The first thing you want to do in the insurance claims process for replacing a roof is to have a qualified roofer take a look at your property and determine if the damages are sufficient to warrant a claim to be filed. This will help alleviate false claims being filed that can hurt you with your insurance company. Most roofers will do the inspection for free, so you have nothing to lose. You don't have to worry about a roofer saying there is damage when there isn't because they gain nothing by doing so.
If there is enough damage the next thing that needs to be done is a claim filing.
You should call the claims number that is direct to the insurance company. You can have the inspecting contractor help you with this as they are often very well versed.
The next step in the insurance claims process for replacing a roof is the adjuster meeting. The insurance company will send out an adjuster to evaluate damages. It is essential that you have a roofer represent you during this process. Remember; the adjuster is there to minimize the claim as much as possible so the insurance company can save as much as possible on the claim payout
Again, most roofers will represent you at an adjuster meeting at no cost.
If your roof is approved for replacement, then you can expect paperwork from the adjuster that will outline what they paid for along with a first check to use towards the job and hiring a roofer. The balance will be paid when the work is completed.
The Choice is Yours
Many homeowners think they are obligated to use the insurance contractor but it’s ultimately up to you to choose who will handle the repair work.